Woken (EP) was released March 25th, 2022 and contains 4 tracks.
Purchases of this album on Bandcamp will include a 2024 Remaster of the title track.
Album Notes: Woken was originally meant to come out just a few months before my next LP, "In Shadows." It was meant to represent the bright side of Dilemma whereas in Shadows, with its inverted darker-color album art was meant to represent the dark, gothy side. Ultimately, I did not end up releasing In Shadows that year because I am a dirty, rotten, no-good perfectionist.
Goofs: All Things Forgotten was originally a track that did not make the cut for Elephant Graveyard. I ended up reworking it several years later and managed to really bring out everything the song had to offer. This was accomplished surprisingly quickly when I accidentally added in too much bass EQ and then realized that much bass was exactly what the song needed.